Thursday, 12 March 2020

Rhythm Playlist

Click here to access the complete set of 8th note rhythm pattern videos I've posted on YouTube.
These videos cover every combination of 8th notes (quavers) possible over the first two beats in a bar of 4/4.

The idea is simply to play along to the videos to absorb the patterns. Every pattern is just on one note so as to focus completely and only on the rhythm, and the drum accompaniment on the videos changes slightly throughout, just like a real drummer would. This way, beginning players can get used to playing along to variations in feel and drum fills etc.

The format is always the same: two bars click, 8 bars pattern, repeated 8 times in total.

I have chosen to show the patterns played pickstyle for anyone wanting to get some basic picking patterns down, but you can play fingerstyle, thumb or slap as you like.
The notation appears more frequently as the video goes on, so you can learn to recognise the rhythmic notation for each pattern.

All these rhythms are the building blocks of longer and more complex rhythms, so it's really worth learning them to the point where you simply recognise the notation without thinking, as reading rhythmic notation effectively depends on your ability to quickly recognise a pattern in "real time" and play it automatically.

If you are looking for a good place to start, here's beat 1:

Bass Duet by Carol Kaye - from the book Electric Basslines 2